
Ground Cardamom has a strong, sweet, pungent flavor with hints of lemon, mint and eucalyptus. 

  • In Indian recipes whole cardamom seeds are used to prepare basmati rice and various         curries, pulses and other rice dishes
  • Also found in Indian sweets and drinks 
  • Used in Western Europe in Dutch biscuits and Scandinavian aquavit, cakes, pastries
  • Use sparingly in pickles, mulled wines, cooked meat, poultry and shellfish
  • In Middle Eastern recipes ground cardamom is used in preparing desserts 
  • Cardamom mixed with ginger, cloves and cinnamon is great in rice pudding, black tea           and even hot chocolate
  • Warm, slightly spicy flavor complements traditional coffee cake

  • 1/2 c glass jar 

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